足彩外围网站 is the world leader in high-quality, customized nonwoven airlaid materials, with four sites spanning the United States, Canada and Germany. 我们的空气铺设材料可以在以下应用中找到 feminine hygiene, adult incontinence, wipes, table top, food packaging and medical care.
What is airlaid?
气垫织物是由一层或多层组成的高吸水性织物. Most are composed of all-natural fluff pulp, 通常与粘合纤维和功能性添加剂结合使用. 每一层都可以为最终的均匀织物添加特定的功能.
How is airlaid made?
- Fiber preparation and delivery. 特种纸浆辊被除湿成单独的纤维, 成捆的纤维被打开,以便运输到生产线上形成织物.
- Web formation. 单个纤维沉积在真空带上形成网.
- Web consolidation. 通过热键粘合(TBAL)或热键粘合(TBAL)将纤维网巩固成最终织物。, chemical bonding (LBAL), or a combination of consolidation methods (MBAL).
我们为湿法非织造布行业带来尖端技术和数十年的专业知识. At our sites in Gernsbach, Germany, Lydney, UK, and Scaër, France, we use inclined wire machines to create lightweight, highly porous engineered materials for beverage filtration, wipes, decorative laminates and electrical capacitors. We process specialty long fibers, such as abaca, 从我们在菲律宾的纸浆厂生产出一流的产品.
在德国德累斯顿,我们是全球领先的无纺布墙罩基材供应商. In Ober-Schmitten, Germany, we produce glassine 适用于各种应用和特种牛皮纸解决方案 electrical capacitors.
What is wetlaid?
湿法是纤维加工的一种形式,其中稀释的悬浮液主要由水中分离的纤维素纤维组成,通过筛子状的筛网排出,这样就可以放置随机交织的纤维垫. 通过挤压,水进一步从这张纸上除去, sometimes aided by suction or vacuum, or heating. 一旦干了,就能得到平整、均匀、结实的薄片.
How is wetlaid made?
我们通过将特种纤维素和合成纤维以及性能增强添加剂悬浮在稀释的浆料中来制造湿化材料. 浆料均匀地沉积在一个移动的丝网上,允许水通过. 纤维聚集在筛网上形成网,将被进一步处理. Once fully processed and dry, 卷筒纸卷成大的母卷,准备进行最后的转换和包装.
我们的高性能和创新水刺无纺布材料服务于不断增长 wipes, critical cleaning, medical, beauty and hygiene categories. 我们在美国有四个水刺生产基地, Spain and France, some of which have proprietary lines.
What is spunlace?
Spunlace is a nonwoven fabric, 源自于通过多排高压水射流缠绕松散纤维网的过程. Sontara® 织物由专有的水缠结操作制成,使用高压水缠结关键原料, producing a nonwoven fabric that feeds medical, beauty, and industrial wiper end-use applications.
How is spunlace made?
水刺产品是利用高压水射流将各种纤维水力缠绕,形成坚固的水刺, absorbent web. 与许多非织造布不同,水刺不含粘合剂、化学品和粘合剂. 我们的水刺材料由特种纸浆、天然纤维、植物纤维和合成纤维制成.
金属化技术用于湿胶标签的回收瓶, 不干胶标签的葡萄酒和烈酒行业和包装,如礼品包装. (See our metallized label and metallized packaging solutions.)
What are metallized materials?
金属化材料是一种高度工程化的复合材料,由一层超薄的铝和漆在特殊的纤维素基基材上制成. They come in a variety of qualities and weights. 金属化材料的金属含量极低, on average the aluminium content is less than 0.002% of the weight. 因此,它们可以与其他类似材料一起回收利用.
How are metallized materials made?
The metallization process has three steps:
- Pre-lacquering. We pre-lacquer our one-side coated substrates. 这增加了基材的平滑度,并确保了高光泽度.
- Aluminum deposition. 我们在这种材料上真空镀上一层薄铝. 在这个过程中,铝在高温下沉积到涂层的基底表面.
- Top coat. We apply a top coating to the aluminum layer. 这确保了良好的印刷适性和抗刮擦性. 材料也可根据客户要求压印.
Solutions for Everyday Life
从早上的咖啡到个人护理产品,消费者都依赖足彩外围网站. 浏览我们的工程材料在各种应用.
Contact Us
足彩外围网站 Global Headquarters
Suite 600
Charlotte, NC 28209 U.S.A.